
【私心大推】Bambini 7/8 Tights, 服飾, 運動



後來發現ZALORA這個網站,裡面賣的都是一些外國的品牌,價格也不貴,重點是!!!應該....不會再到處撞衫了吧XDD 有種發現新大陸的感覺~~

這是最近加入口袋名單幾樣商品,一樣是在ZALORA上看到的,發現現在在網路上購物的比率越來越高了,可能跟生活越來越忙碌有關吧... 沒什麼時間外出採購,放假都以外出旅遊以及陪家人為主,而且有時發現在外面的商店逛到雙腿快斷了,還找不要想找的東西,而且網購又很方便,後來乾脆都在網路上購買了, 我真的非常喜歡逛ZALORA,尤其裡面的這一項,更是讓我敗了好多次....,下面是賣場提供的產品說明,大家一起入坑吧XD

韓流吹襲,SALT KOREA等品牌推出的韓系風格時尚讓您輕鬆成為帥氣歐巴。現在就來ZALORA網頁尋找道地的韓國潮流,成為街頭上最吸引目光的亮點!

A cross between fitness and luxe appeal, Lorna Jane steps your activewear on the high street with sleek performance from the patented LJ Excel? fabric. Cropped and styled with stripes and mesh panels, this high-waisted Bambini tight keeps you in the game ventilated and supported.

- Stretchable nylon blend

- Elasticated waistband with internal drawcord

- High waisted

- Slim, cropped legs

- Mesh panelling for ventilation

- Stripes and reflective logo print

- Shrink and fade resistant

- Moisture wicking and breathable

- Quick dry

- Suitable for high intensity activities

- Slim fit

- Unlined

A cross between fitness and luxe appeal, Lorna Jane steps your activewear on the high street with sleek performance from the patented LJ Excel? fabric. Cropped and styled with stripes and mesh panels, this high-waisted Bambini tight keeps you in the game ventilated and supported.

- Stretchable nylon blend

- Elasticated waistband with internal drawcord

- High waisted

- Slim, cropped legs

- Mesh panelling for ventilation

- Stripes and reflective logo printzalora 評價

- Shrink and fade resistant

- Moisture wicking and breathable

- Quizalora心得ck dry

- Suitable for high intensity activities

- Slim fit

- Unlined


★物品連結---Bambini 7/8 Tights, 服飾, 運動

Bambini 7/8 Tights, 服飾, esprit sg運動





*「謹慎理財信用至上」,「信用消費及預借現金適用之循環信用利率:5.88%-19.929%。每筆預借現金手續費:新臺幣100元+預借現金金額 X 3.5%及其他費用查詢請洽滙豐銀行網站/環利率基準日為104年3月1日」

esprit香港分店地址zalora 包包評價,zalora 台灣,ZALORA效果,媽媽寶寶,營養品,汽機車用品



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